Monday, September 15, 2014

Loving Right Now: Feminine Oxfords


Right now I'm loving Oxfords on women; partly because I have to wear all black to work, so they are a great comfortable, all-black, footwear option for myself.  I think they work best with full-length or cropped skinny dress pants (sock-less of course).

Here are some I have my eye on:

Born - Mott - $62 - 6pm

Naya - Tiber - $60 - 6pm
Dirty Laundry - Violette - $40 - 6pm

Diba - Dear Me - $49 - 6pm

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

DIY Compact Revival

I had multiple bronzer compacts that either had cracked pressed powder, or were simply worn out in the center.  This was ultimately making for a useless compact.  I decided to do a Google search to see if I could do anything for them.  I found this post by Lauren Conrad's Beauty Department called DIY Makeup Fixer Upper.  This post explains step-by-step how to make them almost brand new.

I'm using a Victoria's Secret and a Wet n Wild face bronzer.

The Beauty Deparment's post calls for: 70% alcohol, plastic wrap, eyeliner brush, spatula, and a dropper.

I decided to improvise when it came to gathering materials.  I ended up using: lemon-flavored vodka, a q-tip, and a spoon.

I skipped the plastic wrap and just went to town mashing up my compact powder with a q-tip.  (I removed the cotton from each end before-hand.)  Careful, depending on how hard the powder is pressed it can jump around while you're trying to break it up.  

Then I used the back of a spoon in a rocking motion to mash-up the make-up into a finer powder.

Carefully, I added small spoonfuls of the vodka to the compact, stirring with the q-tip in-between spoonfuls.  I stopped adding the vodka when it became chunky and mousse-like.

Again, I used the back of the spoon to spread the mousse around to fill the bed of the compact.   

There you have it!  Mine probably took a few hours to dry (and mine smells lemony-fresh!  ;) )

Friday, August 2, 2013

My First Essie Purchase: Butler Please

Essie's "Butler Please" is described on as indulgent bright blue  ...  indulge in a bright blue nail color hue that simply adores being waited on hand and foot. spa pedicure? yes, darling, yes.
 Butler Please was part of Essie's Winter 2012 Leading Lady collection.

Essie "Butler Please" $8 at drugstores